If you ever want to know about the history of our country and its origin Masvingo is one of the places to visit.You can travel to Masvingo by road using public or private transport.
Mavingo holds tourist places such as Kyle recreational park, Tugwi Mukosi dam, Chesvingo Karanga Village, Lake Mutirikwi and many more. Activities includes Game Drive, Fishing, Boating, Canoeing, Hiking, view of Great Zimbabwe Monuments, Rhino Trails, View of the Sikato Bay, View of Lake Mutirikwi.
Entrance Fees range from $1 to $5 per person and Activities range from $5 to $15 USD.
Accommodation facilities available are, chalets, lodges, and Hotels which range from $30 to $150 per night.
Follow the Domestic Tourism campaign pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram @ZimBho-Official so as to stay up to date with the exciting Domestic tourism information and competitions. You can also visit the ZTA offices close to you throughout the country or call on +263 779 212 289
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