Matabeleland North
Matabeleland North
When we talk of culture and heritage and our pristine wildlife Matabeleland North is the place to be. Areas within this province include Binga, Bubi, Hwange, Nkayi, Lupane, Tsholotsho, Umguz and Victoria Falls. Major attractions within this province includes Binga which is a fishing, boating and cultural centre towards the western end of Lake Kariba’s southern shore. Batonga traditions and culture in Binga are of great interest to visitors.
Other attractions include the majestic and mighty Victoria Falls, for an adventurous experience of the big five, Hwange, Chizarira and Zambezi National Parks are the best places to visit. To have a feel and taste of other cultures visit, BaTonga Museum, Binga hot springs, Binga sand beach Shangano and Bumbusi cultural sites. Don’t leave without visiting Lupane arts and crafts as well as buying the Gwai flower pots on your way out.
 For more information follow the Domestic Tourism campaign pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram @ZimBho-Official so as to stay up to date with the exciting Domestic tourism information and competitions.
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