Stakeholders and media engagement meeting

Stakeholders and media engagement meeting

A successful stakeholders and media engagement meeting was held at Cresta Churchill Bulawayo, today to discuss preparations for the upcoming Sanganai/Hlanganani World Tourism Expo 2024. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister for Tourism and Hospitality Industry Hon Tongai Mnangagwa, Secretary for Tourism and Hospitality Industry Dr Takaruza Munyanyiwa as well as key stakeholders including tourism operators, hoteliers, media, and industry representatives. The discussions focused on various aspects of the Expo, such as marketing and promotion, exhibitor participation, accommodation, transport, security and compliance.

The Deputy Minister emphasized the Government’s commitment to supporting the tourism industry and highlighted the importance of Sanganai/Hlanganani in showcasing Zimbabwe’s tourism offerings to the world. Attendees expressed enthusiasm and optimism about the expo’s potential to drive tourism growth and economic development.

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