World Environment Day

On 5 June 2023 the global family celebrated World Environment Day (WED) under the theme #BeatPlasticPollution. Whilst the main world celebrations were held in Cote d’Ivoire, countries across the world hosted their own national commemorations. In Zimbabwe the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) hosted the commemorations at Glamis Arena, in Harare. It was a carnival atmosphere with proceedings starting off with a clean up activity. Events were centered around an exhibition where various agencies put up gazebos and booths promoting conservation and the clean up of our environment. This year the focus was on reducing plastic pollution. Exhibitors included state agencies such as EMA, ZimParks, Forestry Commission and the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority. Interest organizations included BirdLife Zimbabwe, Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA), Zimbabwe Parents for Handicapped Children Association (ZPHCA) Zimbabwe, Friends of the Environment, Agricultural Research for Development (Cirad), Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA), Handmade Papers of Africa, Black Crystal, Miracle Missions, and Mercy Corps. The event has was also graced by corporates, namely Pepsi (Varun Beverages), Spar and Petrocozim, Bello City Foods and Bello Pamvura Resort. Supporting multilateral institutions were UNDP, UNICEF, Swedish Embassy, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Small Grants Program (SGP). Schools and members of the local community also came out to attend. The commemorations were supportive of sustainable tourism initiatives that are being promoted by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority where one of the pillars of sustainable tourism is environmental conservation.