Zimbabwe Tourism Authority(ZTA)
The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority is a Parastatal organization formed by an Act of Parliament: The tourism Act Chapter 14:20 of 1996 with a mandate of developing, managing, promoting and marketing Zimbabwe as a tourist destination in both the local and international markets.
As a National Tourism Organization (NTO), ZTA is responsible for tourism promotion, planning and development, research and enforcement of standards and services. Its overarching goal is to promote the sustainable growth and development of tourism in Zimbabwe for the social and economic benefit of the nation through setting and monitoring of standards, market research, product development, investment promotion and destination marketing. It falls under the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry led by Honourable Barbara Rwodzi(MP).
To develop, manage and market Zimbabwe as a tourist destination as mandated by the Tourism Act 1996, Chapter 14:20.
To be a must visit destination and leader in sustainable tourism in Africa by 2030
To serve the interests of the tourism industry through effective and efficient utilization of our resources for the benefit of the national economy
We will fulfill our mission guided by the following values:
Teamwork – We work as a team and appreciate each other’s role in the organisation.
Results Driven – We deliver, that is what sets us apart.
Innovation – We are creative.
Professionalism – We are ethical in our business conduct.
Service Culture – We are here to serve; this drives our relationship with our stakeholders and clients
According to Section 5 of the Tourism Act 1996, Chapter 14:20“(1) Subject to this Act, the functions of the Authority shall be:
a) To promote Zimbabwe as a destination for tourists and to promote the tourism industry in overseas, regional and domestic markets.
b) to develop marketing skills and initiatives within the industry
c) to promote high standards in the tourist industry through the establishment of standards, training and human resources development
d) to register and grade designated tourist facilities
e) to promote the development of tourist facilities
f) to undertake planning for the tourist industry, including the conducting of market research and the development of a tourism data base
g) to promote awareness in Zimbabwe of the benefits of tourism
h) to provide consultancy and advisory services in relation to tourism
i) to investigate and make recommendations to the minister on any matter affecting the tourism industry and the administration of the act
j) On its own initiative or at the request of the Minister to carry out any functions that May be conferred to or imposed on the Authority by or under the Tourism Act or any other enactment.
The functions of the International Marketing Division are adapted from the functions of the Authority as stated by the Tourism Act Chapter 14:20.
Part II of the Act: Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Section 5 Functions of Authority spells out in subsection (1) as follows:
Subject to this act the Function of the Authority shall:-
a) To promote Zimbabwe as a destination for tourists, and to promote the tourist industry in overseas, regional and domestic markets
b) To develop marketing skills and initiatives within the tourist industry
As the Department responsible for marketing and promotion of Zimbabwe, Destination Marketing is the key management tool in fostering the awareness of Zimbabwe as a tourism destination, world over. The division is responsible for the implementation of marketing strategies and initiatives for the development of tourism.
• Perception Management Programme
• Destination Image Buliding Transformation programme
• Goodwill Ambassadorial Programme
• Celebrity Host Programme
• Meetings, Incentives,Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE)
• Sanganai Hlanganani – World Travel and Tourism Africa Fair
• Familiarisation tours
• Friends of Zimbabwe
• Domestic Tourism Promotion
The Destination Management Division is a Division within the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority mandated by the Tourism Act(Chapter 14:20) of 1996 to set and monitor standards within the tourism and hospitality industry, register Designated Tourist Facilities as well as training of staff in the industry so as to maintain high standards.
The Division derives its mandate from section 5 of the Tourism Act Chapter [14:20] of 1996 which states that;
Subject to this Act, the functions of the Authority shall be –
To promote high standards in the tourist industry through the establishment of standards, training and human resource development.
To register and grade designated tourist facilities.
To promote the development of tourist facilities.
To provide consultancy and advisory services in relation to tourism.
To investigate and make recommendations to the Minister on any matter affecting the tourist industry and the administration of the Act.
Registration and licensing of designated tourist facilities
Registration and licensing is done to all operators who are designated as tourist facilities by the Tourism Act of 1996 and Statutory Instrument 106 of 1996.
In terms of the Act, the Minister responsible for tourism is allowed to designate any person, place or thing as a tourism facility.
Thus this statutory instrument lists the current 27 categories of designated tourist facilities.
The Domestic Tourism and Strategic Research Division (DTSR) is a strategic Division that provides strategic services to the overall planning and development of tourism in Zimbabwe. The Division is made up of four departments; Market Research, Product Development, Information Technology and Investments.
• Promoting sustainable development of tourism products.
• Promoting the development of new tourism products.
• Promoting tourism investment.
• Providing market intelligence for strategic destination promotion and informed decision making.
• Developing and maintaining the Tourism Satellite Account.
• Proving ICT support service for the organization
• Providing advisory services to the industry.
• Spearheading the development of trans-frontier conservation areas.
• Generation of periodic Tourism statistical reports.
• Promotion Community Based Tourism (CBT).
Market Research
The Market Research unit is responsible for providing strategic market intelligence for the growth and development of tourism. In essence the Department acts as the eyes and ears of the organization. Through market related information gathering and analysis the Department helps the organization to make informed decisions.
Key focus areas:
• Carrying out strategic market intelligence research for the organisation and the industry.
• Co-ordinating the development and maintenance of the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA).
• Collecting, analyzing and disseminating accurate and timeous tourism statistics.
• Tracking the performance of the tourism sector against other sectors.
Product Development
The unit is responsible for the promotion of sustainable development of tourism products. This will entail development of new tourism products, product diversification as well as the redevelopment of existing products.
Focus areas:
• Identifying and promoting the development of new tourism products.
• Promoting the development of community based tourism.
• Recommending the review of tourism development policies and enabling legislation and regulations
• Recommending the formulation and review of national, regional and local Tourism Master Plans.
• Planning and development coordination of Trans-frontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs).
• Preparing and promoting tourism investment plans/projects/programmes
• Coordinating investment promotion in the country.
• Creating and maintaining a database on existing and potential tourism investment opportunities in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
• Preparing investment plans and presentations
• Liaising with local and foreign stakeholder/potential investors on opportunities available for tourism investments.
• Carrying out audits of existing gaps in the tourism sector and finding alternatives for investment within the tourism sector.
• Lobbying for investment incentives for targeted zones or projects
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
The ICT Department is responsible for overseeing the Authority’s Information Systems and networking infrastructure. The Department provides technical leadership to Information, communication and technological systems such that the Authority is conversant with the future direction of the technology.
Focus areas
• Securing ICT Systems and Infrastructure
• Managing the Authority’s systems and databases
• Providing support services to individual users and divisions
The Finance, Administration and Personnel Division’s major role is to preserve the fiscal integrity of ZTA through prudent financial planning and control, accurate financial accounting and reporting and sound financial management. As its name implies, it is also charged with the responsibility of attracting, developing and retaining key skills which will enable the organisation to competently discharge its mandate at all times.
• Tourism Levy (Revenue Collection)
• Tourism Audits
• Employee development programmes
• Asset Management
Guided by the following Core Values ZTA is committed to best serve the interest of the tourism industry and the national economy through the development and promotion of high quality tourism products:
We believe we can only be strong and efficient if all of us are informed about the business of the Authority, play our part, view each other as team members and appreciate our role in the big scheme of things in the organisation.
We are ethical, honest, fair and consistent in our dealings with the public, our customers and with one another. These principles are so dear to us that they will not be compromised under any circumstances.
Service Culture
This drives our relationship with one another and our clients, for we believe we are here to serve. Dealing with us will always make a pleasurable difference in the way business is conducted.
Results –driven
We deliver. That is what sets us apart from the crowd. That is what we are known for.
Thinking outside the box is our hallmark, for we subscribe to the maxim that today’s problems cannot be solved conclusively if we think at the same level at which they were created. Thus we encourage entrepreneurship, innovative thinking and full participation of all our employees.
The most inspiring leadership is by example. Thus, ZTA commit itself to meeting the following standards in its service delivery:
- Handle clients courteously and with maximum enthusiasm.
- Respond to telephone calls promptly, informatively and politely.
- Communicating and informing the clients on all tourism issues, especially those that affect them directly or indirectly.
- Acknowledge all correspondence within a reasonable period not exceeding a 7 Days.
- All deliberations and changes on tourism matters will be communicated to clients timeously to keep them informed.
- All visitors to our offices will be ushered to a warm hospitality and attended to within a reasonable time.
- The tourism industry plays a pivotal role in the functioning of the Authority, thus, these will be treated courteously and their views are greatly considered.
ZTA’s obligation to publics
- ZTA in all its dealings shall remain accountable to the nation of Zimbabwe.
- ZTA will be guided by the Tourism Act in all its transactions.
- Ethical considerations, diligence, integrity and professionalism will remain the cornerstone of ZTA’s operations.
- ZTA is committed to serving the public’s needs and any contributions, advice, criticism and suggestions are welcome.
- Communication is key and as such it remains our obligation to timeously inform you on all tourism matters of interest.
ZTA’s duty to tourism industry players
- ZTA is committed to marketing and promoting tourism products and services without impartiality.
- We listen to your queries, suggestions and ideas to foster growth in the industry.
- ZTA is open to receive your concerns, particularly those that affect the industry in their day to day operations.
- All critical industry information will be handled with due confidence unless it’s for specific marketing purposes.
- Operators are welcome to seek clarity with ZTA where they do not understand what is required of them
- We are committed to minimising your compliance costs.
- All Authority officials shall carry proper identification upon visits to industry premises.
Client’s Obligations
As the adage goes, one good turn deserves another. Thus, in return, the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority expects mutual understanding and cooperation of our publics by:
- Friendliness and courtesy for its employees
- Be objective committed, cooperative, supportive and sincere in their engagements with the Authority.
- To be knowledgeable and cultivate an attitude of travelling around Zimbabwe to experience various tourism products
- Objective and constructive feedback when necessary
- To be environment conscious and friendly, preserving the heritage, wildlife as well as various tourism sites.
- To report any mischief or conducts detrimental to the development of tourism in Zimbabwe.
Tourism industry obligations
- 100% compliance – every operator should remit statistics every month (or when so required, in the case of ad hoc surveys).
- Even when there has been no business for the month/period being reported on, a “nil” return should still be submitted as this is also a measurement
- Compliance with all relevant laws, especially the Tourism Act.
- To register facilities or renew licenses with the Authority
- Renovating and sprucing up their facilities to meet acceptable standards in the industry.
- Ensure hospitality and exhibit good service standards in the industry.
- To provide truthful and honest information that may be requested.
- Timely and Accurate statistics which give a true picture of what is happening on the ground
- Utmost co-operation and tolerance to ZTA officials seeking statistics and/or other information
- To pay their levies within the stipulated time.
Knowledge is power. ZTA is committed to empower you with adequate tourism information through various media and communication platforms.