Food Market & Arts Festival

Food Market & Arts Festival

The Farm to Market & Arts Fest is underway at the Old Hararians Sports Club in Harare! Celebrate Zimbabwe’s Agriculture, art, crafts, and cultural heritage. These are clusters within Tourism; Agriculture and Culture and Heritage which we showcase and celebrate today.Do n’t miss this exciting event today and tomorrow!Electric live performances currently underway at the Food Market & Arts Fest at the Old Hararians Sports Club. Freeman, Andy Muridzo and more to come. Come let’s celebrate our culture together!

The inaugural Farm to Market and Arts Festival was a resounding success. The occasion was graced by Her Excellency, The First Lady of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, the Tourism Patron, who conceptualized the idea of showcasing Zimbabwe’s food value chain. This all feeds into Tourism in clusters such as Agrotourism and Gastronomy. Business links have been made, fun has been had!
See you next year!


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