Zimbabwe Tourism Investment Forum

The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority will be hosting the Zimbabwe Tourism Investment Forum (ZTIF) on 13 October 2023 on the side-lines of Sanganai/Hlanganani – World Tourism Expo. The Forum will be held at Holiday Inn, Bulawayo under the theme: “Tourism Investment – Re-imagining Sustainable Partnerships”.

This Forum provides a platform for project promoters, investors, financiers, operators, and developers to interact, network and engage for sustainable business partnerships as they shape tourism development in Zimbabwe. Different topical issues will be explored with a blend of local and international practitioners. For project promoters looking for funding or partners, please register your project on ZTA database.  

Interested participants will be required to pay an investment fee of USD300 or equivalent on the prevailing rate per delegate. Early bird payment of US$200.00 closes on 18 September 2023 and if you register more than 3 delegates, you will enjoy a 15% discount. There are also various sponsorship opportunities.

Registration Form

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