Investment Forum at the Sanganai/ Hlanganani Expo
Investment Forum at the Sanganai/ Hlanganani Expo
The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority will hold a Tourism Investment Forum on the sidelines of the upcoming Sanganai/ Hlanganani World Tourism Expo on 14 October 2022 at the Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre koBulawayo.The Forum will run under the theme: “Thinking Investment – Explore Zimbabwe Tourism Opportunities”.
The ZTA Chief Executive, Ms Winnie Muchanyuka outlined the Investment Forum’s objectives, “Our objectives include, unpacking tourism investment opportunities and exploring new frontiers such as medical tourism in the country. We are creating a platform for networking and engagement where promoters link with developers, financiers and operators,” said Muchanyuka.
“The Forum shall be delivered through thematic presentations and panel discussions, projects profiling exhibitions and B2B/ G2B network meetings,” she added.
The thematic areas to be covered are Policy Perspective – the Investment Climate in Zimbabwe, Tourism Investment Opportunities across the ten provinces, Tourism Infrastructure and Finance and Investor Lenses.
“We looking forward to participation from all players within the sector, including but not limited to Government, Agencies, Local Authorities, Operators, Developers, Investors, Zimbabwe, Financiers and Cooperating partners,” she said.
Investing in tourism is investing into sustainable future.