
Routes World 2024 Update

Routes World 2024 Update October 9, 2024 Seasonality plays a crucial role in shaping tourism trends, affecting everything from pricing to visitor experiences. By understanding and leveraging seasonal patterns, destinations can enhance their appeal throughout the year, rather than relying solely on peak seasons. This can be achieved by promoting off-peak events, diversifying attractions, and creating tailored packages that cater to different interests during various times of the year. For instance, winter festivals, spring flower festivals, or summer adventure activities […]

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Routes World Aviation Conference

Routes World Aviation Conference October 7, 2024 The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry of Zimbabwe, led by Permanent Secretary Dr. T. Munyanyiwa, is attending the Routes World Aviation Conference in Bahrain from October 6-8, 2024. The theme for Routes World 2024, Connecting the World: The Future of Air Travel. This theme emphasizes collaboration and innovation within the aviation sector to improve connectivity and sustainability. The conference will highlight the significance of partnerships and strategic planning in shaping the future […]

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Happy World Tourism Day!

Happy World Tourism Day! September 27, 2024 Join us at the breathtaking Gandavaroyi Gorge in Gokwe as we celebrate World Tourism Day 2024.#TourismAndPeace#WTD24#TourismMonth#VisitZimbabwe

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World Tourism Day Celebrations

World Tourism Day Celebrations September 30, 2024 Gandavaroyi Gokwe North was a hive of activity today as Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Tourism Day 2024 under the theme ‘Tourism & Peace.’ The event was marked by vibrant cultural performances, exhibitions, discussions, all centered on how tourism can promote harmony and unity. The picturesque setting of Gandavaroyi Gorge served as a fitting backdrop, symbolizing the peaceful coexistence between nature and human activity. Attendees celebrated the role […]

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Welcome to Zimbabwe, Uganda Airlines

Welcome to Zimbabwe, Uganda Airlines September 27, 2024 Tourism Month is increasingly exciting as today we say Siyalamukela, Tigashire, and Welcome to #Zimbabwe, Uganda Airlines🛩️. This inaugural flight of the airline marks the beginning of a new route that will undoubtedly enhance connectivity & boost tourism growth for Zimbabwe.The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Hon Tongai Mnangagwa joined in celebrating this milestone. The central message emphasized enhanced connectivity, cooperation and integration which will strengthen tourism, trade, and cultural […]

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Celebrating World Tourism Month! 

Celebrating World Tourism Month with the wonderful people of Zimbabwe, known for our peaceful and welcoming spirit! #TourismMonth #WTD24 #TourismAndPeace #VisitZimbabwe

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Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry marked September as Tourism Month

Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry marked September as Tourism Month September 23, 2024 The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry marked September as Tourism Month by hosting a Sports Tournament today in Kabuyuni Constituency, highlighting Sports Tourism, one of the key clusters under the Ministry’s initiatives. The Sports Tournament aimed to promote community engagement, physical well-being, and highlight the potential of sports as a driver for local tourism. The initiative also demonstrated how sports can contribute to the growth […]

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World Tourism Symposium Day 2024

World Tourism Symposium Day 2024 September 23, 2024 The World Tourism Symposium Day 2024 is currently underway today at Lupane State University in Matabeleland North. This symposium, themed “Tourism and Peace,” brings together stakeholders from the tourism industry, government, and academia.The event highlights the important role tourism plays in promoting peace, fostering mutual understanding, and driving conflict resolution. Through discussions and presentations, participants are exploring how tourism can contribute to building peaceful communities and enhancing international cooperation. The symposium serves […]

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258 Hotel Official Opening

258 Hotel Official Opening September 18, 2024 The official opening of the 258 Hotel along Herbert Chitepo Road in Harare was marked yesterday by the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Hon. Tongai Mnangagwa, who was represented by the Executive Director of Domestic Tourism and Strategic Research, Mr. Reason Machigere from the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority. This event highlights the growing commitment to developing Zimbabwe’s tourism infrastructure, reinforcing Harare’s status as a vibrant hub for both domestic and international visitors. […]

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Zimbabwe Tourism Investment Forum

Zimbabwe Tourism Investment Forum September 13, 2024 The Sanganai/Hlanganani World Investment Forum is currently underway at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Grounds in Bulawayo. The tourism industry, Rural District Councils and other local authorities are in attendance. The Forum is being held under the theme, “Unlocking Tourism Investment Opportunities For Economic Development.”#Sanganai24#SanganaiHlanganani #InvestmentForum#MeetInZim#Vision2030

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