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When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees.
Masvingo March 8, 2022 If you ever want to know about the history of our country and its origin Masvingo is one of the places to visit.You can travel to Masvingo by road using public or private transport. Mavingo holds tourist places such as Kyle recreational park, Tugwi Mukosi dam, Chesvingo Karanga Village, Lake Mutirikwi and many more. Activities includes Game Drive, Fishing, Boating, Canoeing, Hiking, view of Great Zimbabwe Monuments, Rhino Trails, View of the Sikato Bay, View of […]
Tourism Lookout Show March 4, 2022 join the Tourism Lookout today at 1130hrs & stand a chance to win a 3 Day Pass to the VicFallsCarnival! Today our host @AvrilChimedza chats with Craig Bright, the Vic Falls Carnival Festival Director. Listen in & hear all about what’s in store for you at the much awaited VicFallsCarnival2022!#VisitZimbabwe#MeeInZim#ZimBho
Mutare Museum March 7, 2022 Embark on an entertainment, educational or research tour in the city of Mutare where there is an exquisite museum which is located 1, 5 km from the city centre. This Museum houses a variety of displays covering a wide range of themes such as archaeology, ethnography, geology, transport and natural history. The most spectacular exhibitions are those of the collection of vintage cars, motor bikes and colonial era drawn wagons and coaches. ENTRANCE FEES Locals […]